These items will be credited to your account.
You MUST add your name in the box that says "special instructions to seller" when checking out in order for us to be able to credit to your account. Add only one player name per order. Nothing else in the note field.
The Reseller only Urban Fit Munzee Credit item.
Cap: 40 - CapOn: 20 - Deploy: 50
When 15 UF are capped and/or deployed during an MHQ 24 hour day the player will earn a brand new item called a booster credit. (more details to follow)
Need some extra motivation to get moving? Our latest munzee comes with a special feature that you can unlock!
When 15 Urban Fitness Munzees are capped and/or deployed during an MHQ 24-hour day, the player will earn one 2x physical deploy booster credit. Players will be able to earn more than one multiplier credit a day each time they cap/deploy 15 Urban Fitness Munzees.