Introducing the Reseller only Tulip Munzee Sticker. These are sold in strips of 5 stickers.
You can find the point structure for Flower Evos below, but these do work differently than other Evolution Munzees. Since there are five stages each will evolve over the course of 70 days total.
- Stage 1 to Stage 2: after 7 days
- Stage 2 to Stage 3: after 14 days
- Stage 3 to Stage 4: after 21 days
- Stage 4 to Stage 5: after 28 days
The first four stages (Seed, Germination, Growth, Bud) will be the same for each type of Flower Evo, but when it blossoms in stage five it has the chance of turning into multiple colors. Please note that although the first four stages for each are the same, they will count as different special capture icons.
The stages include:
- Stage 1: Seed
- Stage 2: Germination
- Stage 3: Growth
- Stage 4: Bud
- Stage 5: Blossom
This new line of munzees will fit into the overall Evolution Munzees category. There will only be one capture per stage for a total of five stages per flower, so there will be no multi-captures. The Carnation can be captured via Blast Cap in each of its five stages. The capture radius will be 300 feet for all types. When deploying a Flower Evolution, be sure to adhere to normal Proximity Rules. That means no less than 50 feet from others and 150 from your own munzees. To access the Flower Evolutions, turn on your “Evolution Filters.” These will count toward Evolution Capture and Deploy badges as well.
Points will depend on order of growth and type of munzee. All physical Flower Evolutions will have the same points. Points are all follows:
- Capture: 20 (Stage 1), 30 (Stage 2), 45 (Stage 3), 60 (Stage 4), 75 (Stage 5)
- CapOn: 60 (Stage 1), 50 (Stage 2), 45 (Stage 3), 35 (Stage 4), 25 (Stage 5)
- Deploy: 100