Bowling Ball Munzee Sticker 10 pk

  • Sale
  • $20.00
  • Regular price $25.00

The Bowling Ball point system is based on ten-pin bowling and you will have a chance to earn a maximum of 55 points based on how many “pins” you “knock down.”


Bowling Ball Munzee:
When you capture a Bowling Ball you will earn 25 points to start. The Bowling Ball Munzee will then initiate a sort of real world mini-game for more points. When a player captures a Bowling Ball Munzee a new Munzee called “1st Roll” will be scattered to a Greenie within 750 ft. Similar to a Trail Munzee, the second stage (1st Roll) will not be seen until stage one (Bowling Ball) is captured. This new pin will only be available to the player that captured the original Bowling Ball.

1st Roll Munzee:
When the player captures the 1st Roll Munzee, they will either earn a STRIKE and earn 30 points, or they will earn between a 1-9 points (one for each pin they “knock” down) and 2nd Roll will be scattered to a Greenie nearby. If you earn a STRIKE and the full 30 points, the game is done and you have received the maximum amount of points.

2nd Roll Munzee:
When the player captures the 2nd Roll Munzee, they will either earn a SPARE and earn 10 points, or they will earn between 1-8 points. The mini game will then be done either way.


Bowling Ball Munzee

  • Deploy: 50 points
  • Capture: 25 points
  • CapOn: 20 points

1st Roll Munzee


  • Capture: 30 points
  • CapOn: 20 points



  • Capture: 1-9 points
  • CapOn: 5 points

2nd Roll Munzee


  • Capture: 10 points
  • CapOn: 10 points



  • Capture: 1-8 points
  • CapOn: 5 points

All three Bowling types will be Physical Munzees and the Bowling Ball Munzee will be sold as a pre-coded sticker on Cyber Munzday. These have a standard deploy radius and players will be able to capture the 1st Roll and 2nd Roll scatters on their own munzees. The scattered munzees will remain active for 100 minutes or until captured.